The Americanization of Emily

You've brought chocolates,
two whole boxfuls.

- What a treasure trove.
- I already refused them.

- On ascetic grounds.
- You're an absolute flatulent, Emily.

Take the things if you want them.
I shall have one later
and save the rest for your father.

You must be Emily's new lover
since she hasn't bothered to introduce us.

You must be her mother.
You found the chink in my armor.
What are your religious views?

- I'm a practicing coward.
- That's very fervent of you.

I should have known
you two would get on.

You're as dotty as she is, Charlie.
Before the war,
I was an assistant night manager...

of a diplomatic hotel in Washington, D.C.
What made you say that?
Lord, I feel like Alice at the tea party.
He's going to tell us
about a religious experience.

Yes. It was my job as assistant
night manager to arrange things...

for many of the great historical figures
on great historical missions.

What exactly did you arrange?
Usually I arranged girls,
but individual tastes varied, of course.

Of course.
It's useful work, anyway,
especially in a war.

I was offered all sorts of commissions
in the Army and the Navy.

The one I have now. Adm. Jessup
phoned me to join his staff...

but I'd always been a little embarrassed
by my job at the hotel...

and I wanted to do something redeeming.
War is the only chance a man has
to do something redeeming.

- That's why war is so attractive.
- War's very handsome, I agree.

At any rate, I turned down
Adm. Jessup's offer...

and I enlisted in the Marines as a private.
I even applied for combat service.
My wife, to all appearances
a perfectly sensible woman...

encouraged me in this idiotic decision.
Seven months later, I found myself
invading the Solomon Islands.

There I was splashing away
in the shoals of Guadalcanal.

It occurred to me a man could get killed
doing this kind of thing.

Fact is, most of the men
splashing along with me...

were screaming in agony
and dying like flies.

Those were brave men dying there.
Peacetime, they'd all been
normal, decent cowards...

frightened of their wives,
trembling before their bosses...

terrified of the passing of the years.
But war had made them gallant.
They had been greedy men.
Now they were self-sacrificing.

They had been selfish.
Now they were generous.
