Oh, thank you very much.
(Dramatic music playing)
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
l... I came up here
to get some of my books.
This used to be my room,
you know.
Well, there were
no books in here.
I said I was sorry.
Oh, by the way,
it's quite a coincidence...
your meeting
an old friend here.
What old friend?
Mr. Camford.
We never saw him before
until tonight.
Oh, well, have a very pleasant
evening, Miss Ferris.
(Music playing)
I'm sorry, Alexis.
I haven't the dimmest idea
what I'm doing.
Hey, you're pretty good.
I think you do this before.
Ha ha! It's a wonderful rhythm.
If only I knew the steps.
Who cares
about the steps?
We're inventing
a dance all our own.
(Both laugh)
He's watching again.
Oh, he's always on the lookout
for something.
There's something sinister
about the whole family...
except little Alexis.
And who's
that sullen young man...
who's always hanging about?
Oh, that's cousin Lambis.
He helps around the inn.
Well, l...
Ha ha! Well, I think
they're all up to something.
How'd you like to go
swimming tomorrow? w?
Oh, I'd love to.
MARK: We'll go
to the Bay of Dolphins.
What about the sharks?
Oh, that's all nonsense.
We'll take lunch
and make a day of it.