What do you say?
Shall we shatter tradition
and really let go?
(Tempo speeds up)
(Song ends, crowd cheers)
(People singing in Greek,
clapping hands in rhythm)
Good night,
Mr. Camford.
Good night,
Miss Ferris.
Where are they all going?
Hmm? They're singing
the bride and groom to bed.
It's a local custom.
Can we go?
Look, you must have had
an awfully long day.
Don't you think
you ought to turn in?
Then we can get
an early start tomorrow? w?
I am quite tired, actually.
Ahh. It turned into
a lovely evening.
That's the nicest way
for things to happen...
when they come
as a surprise.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Shall I meet you about
half past 9:00 tomorrow? w?
Look at the moon.
(Dramatic music playing)
I don't think at home
it ever seems...
so huge and so close.
The Moon-Spinners must be
working full-time tonight.
I think that's
what I shall become.
I can't think of
a lovelier way...
of spending my life...
than spinning
that silver light.
You're quite a romantic,
aren't you?
No, it's unusual nowadays.
Good night.
Good night, Mark.