so long as
she's all right.
Hey, bon appetit,
Mrs. Ferris.
Tonight, if we are lucky...
you will have quail
for dinner.
It is a local dish...
stuffed with
mushrooms and thyme.
Extremely tasty.
It sounds delicious.
So? These are guns.
You've seen guns before.
I'm going shooting.
Something has happened.
Did you tell me
the truth this morning?
The truth?
About Mr. Camford.
I must know.
I must know
what is going on.
You know
what I tell you.
That is enough.
No, it's not enough.
You tell me
Mr. Camford left...
with the early bus.
Why? Why?
Why should I know? w?
He's a visitor.
He comes and goes
as he chooses.
I did not hear him leave.
Why should you hear?
He left quietly so as
not to disturb anyone.
And now these guns.
I don't understand.
I'm afraid.
Please, Stratos,
whatever happened...
tell me the truth.
Mr. Camford went to Heraklion.
Miss Ferris lost her way.
I am going to shoot quail.
What is the matter
with you?
Someone must have
taken these things.
Yes, the children
in the village...
the devil himself.
What do I care?
(Dramatic music playing)
I think after lunch...
I'll walk along the beach
and look for her.
I suppose you didn't
find out anything...
about my things.