(Recorder playing)
(Stops playing)
Over here!
For crying out loud!
What are you doing
up here?
They said
you'd gone to Heraklion.
Listen, Alexis...
are you my friend?
Nay, nay, but what are
you doing up here?
Can you keep a secret?
Go back to the inn and
see if Nikky and her aunt...
have caught the afternoon bus
to Aghios Nikolaos.
I want to be sure
they've caught that bus...
you understand?
But what's up?
You and uncle Stratos
make pretty big stink, eh?
You bring me news
about Nikky.
Quick, like a mouse.
Then you're still
my friend?
I think
pretty lousy thing...
when you go
and no good-bye.
Of course we're friends...
the best.
Now off you go.
I bring you word.
(Sheep bleating)
(Bells jingling)