you're going to be very rich.
Do you like that?
I like that.
It will be some time
before I see you again, Josef.
I will wait for you.
This is...
You don't even know
who I am, or where I am.
First, my name is not really
Elizabeth Lipp, but please call me that.
It's convenient.
And I am in Turkey -
in Istanbul - in the seraglio.
This is where the old sultans lived.
They had a lot of wives
and other treasures,
so they made the palace
bigger and bigger.
Like each of the buildings here,
this little shack contains
works of art unique in the world.
The entire seraglio is now a museum -
the fabulous Topkapi Museum.
But... but there is one special room.
That's why I'm here.
I'll show you.
Come in.
This cradle - pearls, rubies,
and pure, solid gold.
This is the famous throne
of Shah Ismael.
No king or emperor ever sat
on a throne more precious.
From every corner of the earth -
gitts made to the Turkish empire.
But I would give you all of them
for just one dagger,