- Amateurs?
- Only amateurs.
- All right, I give up.
- My favourite pupil.
Sit down.
Lesson one -
the three cardinal rules of thett.
How Swiss you are.
Eins, zwei, drei.
You're right. Eins - plan meticulously.
- Zwei - execute...
- Cleanly.
- Drei?
- Don't get caught before, during...
Or atter. That's right.
The Istanbul emeralds -
the most protected jewels
in the world - have been stolen.
Alarm system.
Check Cedric Page, London.
Cedric Page?
What's that?
You will meet him.
Now, the emeralds are gone.
Policemen of the world unite.
You're Scotland Yard, Turkish police -
what do you do?
- What do I do?
- You eliminate the riffraff.
Obviously, this is a class job.
You dig out the dossiers
on the top professionals, the elite.
How many are they? Not more
than half a dozen, and all known.
But, there is no dossier
on Elizabeth Lipp -
not even Elizavetta Lippmanova -
because you have been lucky.
There's no dossier on Walter Harper -
not even Walter Haberlee -
because I have been efficient.
- What you would call "Swiss".
- Liebling.
So there must be no police record
on anyone who works with us.
Where do you find
these lily-white innocents?
That's my job.
What do you say?