
He has many children, Cedric Page?
These are all his own toys.

- Come, look at this parrot.
- I don't like parrots.

This one isn't real.
I'm beginning to wonder
if anything is real.

I'm beginning
to wonder if anything is real.

Well you may, dear lady.
Like the old faith healer of Deal

who said, "Although pain isn't real,
when I sit on a pin
and it punctures my skin,

I dislike what I fancy I feel."
I'm Cedric Page. How nice of you to come,
Walter, and to bring Miss Lipp.

I see you've met my recording Polly.
Amusing, isn't she?

Oh, very. I hope it won't record
all our conversations.

Polly is the soul of discretion.
I never go anywhere without her.

Well, shall we move into my den?
We'll be more private in there.
Come along, Miss Lipp.
My newest toy.
It doesn't work with a ray.

Just the smallest
change of temperature,

the natural heat of the human body,
close enough to it does the trick.

If you had a refrigerated dress,
it wouldn't work!

Fortunately, I haven't. I very seldom
wear one, especially not in England.

Make yourselves comfortable.
The entertainment is charming.
- Is it all for me?
- I'm a terrible show-off.

But do let me offer you a drink.
