
Stop pacing.
This is not a cage,
and you are not a lion.

OK, I am wrong. You are a lion -
the king of the jungle. My king.
Well, don't just stand there. Roar.
- Or give me a kiss.
- Later.

That's what I like about you Swiss.
You're so sexy.

I don't like Simpson being here.
Arthur Simpson is keeping
you away from my side?

- He's harmless. He's a schmo.
- No, no, no, no.

It's not that. It's a departure
from the plan. This I hate.

Not true. You do everything with style.
It's a departure from your style,
this you hate. For this I love you.

Mm. Style, my eye.
As long as I get the emerald for you,
you don't care how I get it.

Walter, I don't hide the way
I feel about the emerald.

I don't hide the way I feel about you.
The emerald excites me
physically, like a man.

Like you. You excite me.
The emerald and you
are fused in my mind.

Each of you excites me more
because of the other.

I thought the evening was lost.
I was beginning to wonder
whom I could turn to next.

How about Giulio? Isn't he fused
in your mind with your emerald, too?

But there is a dilemma -
so is Hans, so is Cedric Page.

There's a fine figure of a man.
But watch out, the English
are not what they seem.

- Read the papers.
- I know.

There's Arthur Simpson, too.
I feel a strange attraction.
