and... and "B," you are eager
to rid yourself of it...
as in the ancient ritual of exorcising
some dybbuk or, uh, evil spirit.
- Now, now, now, now.
Now, this is normal.
Excuse me.
Yes. Please don't...
Oh, yes.
Put him on, please.
Oh, hello, Fred. Uh-huh.
You investigated. And?
F- Fred.
Th-The check is good?
Uh-huh. Yes.
Thank you, Fred.
I have the strangest
tingling sensation in my...
my toes.
Are you all right?
- Uh, w-what happened?
- Well, "A," you fainted
and "B," I poured water on you.
I'm terribly sorry,
but I didn't know what else to do.
No, it-it's all right.
You did the right thing.
Um, do you faint often?
Oh, just once in a while.
It's the shock of realization whenever
I've been dead wrong about something.
The fainting is, um, running away,
as it were...
from the reality that I'm not...
I'm not infallible.
Y- You see,
it's been the pattern of my life...
from the time I was a...
Wait a minute.
What is this?
Who's doing what to who...
or whom?
Mrs. Benson,
you are a young woman...
who is apparently worth
in the neighborhood of... $200 million!
And for some incredible reason,
you wanna give it to the government!
Y- You don't need a psychiatrist.
You need your head examined.
- Now, out of my office! Out!
- No, Dr. Steffanson.
- Out of my office!
- You said something a minute ago...
that was very understanding and true.
I never heard it expressed before.
But I want your help.
- Mrs...
- Oh, please!
Ah, yes.
Yes, the oath I took forbids me
to turn away from a cry for help.