What a Way to Go!

But, uh, my dear...
you... you mustn't think that this,
in any way, makes you a witch.

Oh, of course,
it is tragic that Edgar died...

but one swallow
doesn't make a summer.

Your, uh, behavior sounds exemplary
to say the least, the very least.

Oh, why did Edgar change that way?
Oh, normal.
Quite normal.

You see, he was the, uh...
the weakest of the tribe...

who had somehow won the prize... you...
without really having had
to fight for you.

Uh, latent feelings of inadequacy
lay dormant...

until he was triggered by
Leonard parading before you in
his rich, many-colored feathers.

Edgar, naturally,
felt impelled to get even more feathers...

and driven by this ego drive,
he smothered in his own, uh, feathers.

It happens every day, you know.
Tell me, um,
what happened to the other feather...

or, uh, fellow, this, uh, Leonard?
I never heard from him again.
- Dr. Steffanson... Aaah! Aaah!
- Oh!

Oh! Oh! Louisa!
I'm sorry. Just relax!
Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Now, please, please, ju-just relax.

- Mm. Yes.
- Try to relax.

Uh, y-you were saying about,
uh, Leonard. Leonard.

W- Where did Leonard go?
Uh, well...
he just walked away
like a plucked chicken.

Uh-huh. Normal.
Quite... Quite normal.

Yeah. Well, I...
I put all the money in the bank and...
- I gave the house to Mama.
- Uh-huh.

Then I took a small allowance
for myself and I got out of Crawleyville.

I took a trip to Europe alone,
to Paris.

I wanted to forget...
and I was determined
never to marry again.
