150 thou! Ohhh!
What the...
- En Anglais, s'il vous plait.
- Pardon, madame.
"I, Larry Flint, bequeath all my... "
What Larry Flint had left me in cash...
plus the sale
ofhis remaining pictures...
brought me in the neighborhood
of $4 million in American money.
It was an amount even Picasso
wouldn't be ashamed of.
After several months
of trying to lose myself in Paris...
I decided to leave.
I was here an hour early
and you kept me sitting in that lounge...
and everyone said, "Well, don't worry.
You'll hear the announcement."
We phoned for them to hold up for you,
but I guess they didn't get the message,
Believe me...
Believe me, it's just...
All my luggage is on that plane!
Oh, I had my heart set
on getting out of here tonight.
- But I can't possibly stay
in Paris for another day.
- Madame...
- You missed the last trolley back to town?
- Oh, Mr. Anderson.
Should I have that plane brought back?
- No, no. I'll take it from here.
- Thank you, Mr. Anderson.
Excuse me, Mr. Anderson.
Overseas call, sir. San Francisco.
Okay. Excuse me.
Hello? Uh-huh.