I wish he'd bring us
some fresh meat.
I wonder
what they're cooking for supper.
Same as usual.
Horse meat and axle grease.
Which one has got the bullet?
Shut up, you cripple!
Come on, make your mind up.
- It's turning blue.
- Yes, very pretty. Which one?
It's under that one.
The boy's clever. The boy's good.
How about putting some money on?
Five rounds!
Independent! Fire!
Stuff me with green apples.
If a dog was as sick as him,
they'd shoot him.
Five rounds! Independent!
Shut up, you rotten, sick...
Why don't you leave him alone?
He's sick enough. You'll kill him!
Wouldn't bother Hookie, would it?
Wouldn't bother if Maxfield was dead.
I don't care if you were all dead.
Rorke's Drift. It'd take an Irishman
to give his name