The heat and the dust, sir.
Very nasty on the larynx.
Mr Bromhead lets you have a choir?
Every Welsh regiment has a choir,
Mr Bromhead is English,
but he is a proper gentleman.
There's no doubt of that.
- And what do you sing?
- Me, sir? Baritone, sir.
I can find work for baritones
as well as tenors.
See what you make of that.
Below the escarpment.
- Two riders.
- Gallopers from the column, sir?
Very wonderful things,
these, sir, aren't they?
- Corporal Allen?
- Sir?
Get your party ashore at the double.
Alright, you heard
that officer of Engineers.
Make fast and back to the bank. Move.
Come on, lad.
- Trouble, sir?
- Could be.
I can anchor the ponts midstream.
This is a situation you think
an Engineer officer can't handle?
- No, sir. Beg your pardon, sir.
- Fall them in.
We ain't finished the bridge, sir.
- Fall them in, Corporal.
- Sir.
Get fell in, you men.
Squad. Squad, 'shun.
Left turn.
Left wheel. By the left.
Quick march.