
- Get a rifle.
- A rifle? But I don't...

Mr Chard? Mr Chard?
- Commissary Dalton, is it?
- That is correct.

- You've just asked this man...
- To pour the soup on the fires.

See that he does it. All these bags
of maize inside the perimeter.

I don't want these tents
providing cover for the enemy.

Does he know what it's like to make
soup for 100 men in this heat?

Don't distress yourself, dear fellow.
There's your own officer.

- Go and speak with him.
- Yes, sir.

This is Adendorff,
Natal Native Contingent.

From Isandhlwana.
Bromhead, 24th Foot.

You've come from there?
Alright, man, is it true?
Beg your pardon, sir.
About the soup, sir.

What about the soup?
This gentleman, sir,
said to put it on the fire.

- He did?
- We have thatched roofs here.

No need to make the Zulus
a present of fire.

Then get on with it.
- There's a good fellow.
- Am I to take a rifle, too, sir?

The entire column.
- It's damned impossible. 800 men?
- 1,200 men.

There were 400 native levies also.
Damn the levies.
More cowardly blacks.

What the hell do you mean,
cowardly blacks?

They died on your side.
Who do you think is coming
to wipe out your command,

the Grenadier Guards?
What the deuce is the matter
with him?

- Adendorff? Are you staying?
- Is there anywhere else to go?

Talk to our levies, will you?
Tell them whose side they're on.
