- ! Adiós, Mamá!
- Don't go!
[Alice ]
Good-bye, Emily!
Please write to us!
Don't forget to write to us.
- [Men Shouting]
- [Bell Ringing]
What are you going to do?
- Cut his tail off.
- Why?
- 'Cause he's got gangrene.
- Come on there.
Rotten through and through.
Ifwe don't cut it off, he'll die.
Won'tyou, me love?
- Won't it hurt?
- No, won't feel a thing.
Except maybe a headache
when he wakes up.
[Men Chuckling]
[ All Shouting ]
[ Screeching ]
- It was drunk.
- [Man ]Sail ho!
- Where away?
- Lying offthe starboard bow, sir.
Is she on the reef?