She's been saving them.
Nine hundred pounds
for delivery of goods.
All right, Captain.
Where's the money?
Captain, you lie to me?
I tell you, I have no money.
I think he needs
a little encouragement.
You mean the... firing squad?
Mm-hmm. That might do it.
Bring him upstairs.
Come on, Captain.
Come on, Captain!
Come on.
Get up there.
Head up the firingsquad!
[ Speaking Spanish ]
- [ Shouts I n Spanish ]
- [ Gasping ]
[ Shouts In Spanish ]
No! No!
Willyou please assist her?
I reallymust--
- Oh!
- [Laughing]
There is no money, huh?
But in the book...
there is money from a cargo
you delivered.
Where is it?
- [ Grunts ]
- Where is it?
- Where is it?
- Chavez.
- Hmm?
- Cut his throat, he won't be able to talk.
That's right.
Now, he knows it,
and he knows thatyou know it.
Here, give me one.
Hey, you eat them all?
No, no, no.
I saved you a couple.