[ Speaks Spanish ]
- Conpermiso, Capitán.
- [ Spanish ]
[ Speaks Spanish ]
- Everything's fine.
- Uh-oh.
- What's the matter?
- I don't know.
[ Arguing In Spanish ]
[ Speaking Spanish ]
- What? What is it?
- [ Spanish Continues ]
- What?
- Listen.
The girl, the girl.
Somebody told him shewas in my cabin.
- What girl areyou talking about?
- I thought she--
[ Shouting, Laughing ]
- [ Speaks Spanish ]
- I thoughtyou said--
- Ay, loco.
- [ Screams, Cries ]
[ Spanish Continues ]
Ah, si, si.
[ Shouting In Spanish ]
- Wh-Wh--
- He brought her!
What's the matterwith you? You know
the rules. No prisoners. No witnesses.
And no women!
- Loco.! Estupido!
- No, my capitán! Captain!
[ Both Shouting In Spanish ]
- [Zac] Capitán.
- Huh?
[ Rattling ]
[ Speaks Spanish ]
- You shut us in.
- What--
[ Speaks Spanish ]
What's so funny?
What's the rules on children,
- [Men Shouting]
- ## [Drumming]
[ Shouting Continues ]