What is it?
May I help you?
Who's that?
You seem to have a problem.
Anything I can do?
There's a crawly thing down my back,
and I can't reach it.
I got it.
All right, all right.
It's a...
It's a caterpillar.
And he seems just as frightened
as you are.
- Thank you, sir.
- It's all right.
Holy mackerel, my beads!
I'm sorry.
- I'll never find them in all this.
- Here, let me.
- Sure is kind of you to help, sir.
- Nonsense. It was my fault.
- What do you do with them?
- String them.
That's clever.
Do you ever make mistakes?
Mistakes? Even a fool
couldn't make mistakes with this.
So easy, even a blind girl
could do them, right?
- Yeah, that's right.
- Never seen you here before.
I only been once before.
Do you come here much?
- Nearly every day.
- Are you out of a job, then?
No, I work. Nights.
But I live around here.