- There. Just as I thought.
- What?
- Now you're a very pretty girl.
- Pretty? Me?
Yeah. No sign of a scar.
Your face looks perfect.
- You're pulling my leg.
- No, I mean it.
All because of these glasses?
- It sounds like magic.
- Yes, it is. A kind of magic.
Hey, would you like something to drink?
Yes, please.
I love them.
Are you wearing glasses?
No, but I often do. Here.
- Lots of people do.
- Why?
keep the sun from being bright.
To hide behind.
Many people wear dark glasses
to hide behind.
- You?
- Sometimes.
What's the name
of this wonderful drink?
Wonderful drink?
It's just pineapple juice. You like it?
Yes, I do. I wanna thank you.
That's all right.
Stringing beads is thirsty work.
Oh, holy smokes, the beads.
I'm way behind with the beads.
Those beads seem to mean
a lot in your life.
Sure do. It's my work,
and I promised to do double today.
Some hope with them
all mixed-up like this.
I could give you a hand
for a couple of minutes if you want.
- You got better things to do.
- It's my fault they're messed up.
I wouldn't want them on my conscience
for the rest of the day. So...
Well, let's see.