- I done them. I done quite a few.
- You just better.
Watch where you're going.
I'll have a thing to say
if I get home tonight...
...and find out she's been
in the park again.
Look at the time!
I'm warning you. Both of you.
Drop dead.
- Ole Pa?
- Shut up.
- Did Rose-Ann still have the glasses?
- What glasses?
- The sunglasses when she went out?
- I don't know. I don't think she did.
- There's your choppers, Ole Pa.
- I know, I got eyes.
Mr. Faber will take me
to the park today.
You'll pick me up, won't you?
I don't mind how late.
It don't matter how late,
as long as I'm back for her supper.
- You heard what your ma said!
- Yes.
Well, then.