This is a parking meter.
It costs 10 cents to park.
Or 5 bucks
if you try to be a wise guy!
Come on! We want to cross the street.
So we have to stop the traffic.
Stop the traffic?
Yes. That's no problem.
Feel for this post here.
About level with your waist
is a button.
- Here?
- That's it. Press it.
That signals for traffic to stop.
It'll take a minute,
but I want you to listen for it.
Now, one step down...
...and count your steps
as you go across.
One step up! There you are.
There's a delicatessen a bit further on.
- Don't we have to let the traffic go?
- No, that's automatic.
Wait a minute.
How about that?
I could just about kill Ole Pa. He
never told me this. Mr. Faber neither.
We take it for granted. Next, tell me
when we get to the delicatessen.
- How will I know?
- I think you'll know.
- It's here someplace, ain't it?
- Right.
I thought so.
Whatever they're cooking,
it sure smells good!
They make great corned-beef
sandwiches. You like corned beef?
I love corned beef!