I bet your grandmother
was just like that.
Sweet and gentle.
- What was her name?
- It was Pearl.
Well, that suits her.
I had a friend called Pearl once.
She used to come to the room
and play with me.
We had a lot of fun together.
We was great buddies.
- Not anymore?
- No. Rose-Ann, she put a stop to that.
What for?
She came home early one day
and raised hell.
- What were you up to?
- Nothing much.
She got mad because Pearl was colored.
You know, black.
She said I couldn't ever
have a black friend.
Did you ask her why?
When she gets going, you don't bother
about why. You just keep out of the way.
Pity Pearl was colored.
Anyhow, she never came no more.
When was this?
Long time ago.
I was only 9,
but I miss Pearl a lot.
She was my only friend until now.
She used to teach me things too.
Everybody ought to have a friend.
Go on, tell me about your grandmother.
Where'd she get the music box?
It was a present.
- From a man?
- That's right.
- Did he marry her?
- No, he didn't.
Why not?
I don't know why not.
I don't know all the details.
You see, my grandmother was...
Yes, go on!
The man was from a different world.
He was very rich and important.
- And she?
- She was just a beautiful woman.
- Tell me more.
- I don't know anymore.
You must know some more.
The man?
He was her lover?
- Yes?
- Yes, they were lovers.