Battle of the Bulge

We will attack...
Throuch the losheim cap.
Which is deffended only by
a sincle battalion.

The American division on the schnee
Eifel will be cut off.
The our river bridge
will be in our hands.

From there on the Ambleve,
with the road network.

In four days, we will be
across the river Meuse.

The strategic objective?
By taking Antwerp.
We split the enemy forces in two.
It will take them 18 months to recover.
By then, we will have air superiority
With our jet encines,
And we will have even more significant
Aeapons- Weapons which
can destroy

An entire city with a single blast.
You have forgotten one
important detail, General.

With their present control of the air.
The allies will smash our
tanks, machine Gun our troops

Bomb the bridges.
And cut our communications.

Suppose I tell you there will be no
Allied planes.
Another secret weapon?
From Spitsbergen, norway...
The northernmost weather
station in the world.

We have been waiting
two months for this report.

"A low pressure area over
northern europe "Starting december

"Low clouds and FOG, which
will ground all aircraft."

How long?
Long enough.
If we keep strictly to our timetable.
