Battle of the Bulge

Hold it! Hold it!
Hold it! Hold it!
Pull up.
We got brass on our tail...

Pull it forward, you idiot!
Heh heh heh.
Drop dead.
Pull it forward, you idiot!
Just a little bit. Hold it.
Hold it! Hold it!
You're dropping my merchandise!
Barrel, Eddie, come on out of there!
Come on, Cortland!
Oh ho ho ho.
Oh, wow.
Some driver, huh?
Lucky thing for you nothing's busted.
Complain to my union.
Yeah, tie it up.
Are we near enemy territory yet?
Too near. Give me a cigarette.
I don't smoke.
When will we see some germans?
Hey, Barrel.
Smoke your own.
You got a cigarette, Eddie?
You kidding?
You cheapskates.
Reach into my duffel
bag get me some cigarettes.

What's with you and the germans?
Nothing. I've just never seen one.
I've never even seen a german plane.
When are we going to get any action?
What are you, some kind of a nut?
What kind of replacements
they sending us, huh?

"I want to see action."
What's this?
Put that back.
That's merchandise.

Don't tell me there's women
where we're going.

Who are you giving these to?
Guffy don't give nothing.
He's peddling them.
Keep tying it up, huh?
Peddling them? To who?
The boys in the front.
They'll need that when they cet
to Germany.

There's lots of broads there.
Wow! French perfume!
