Battle of the Bulge

How did you get in here?
General Kohler's signature is magic.
You will excuse us. Major.
Before you give orders.
May I ask your rank?
Courtesan first class,
Compliments of General Kohler.
I think we have covered
everything, Colonel.

General Kohler did not tell me
You were so handsome.
What did General kohler
tell you about me?

Whatever I want to know...
I'll find out for myself.
I'm very good at that.
Aren't you going to offer me a drink,
Or have you been at the front so long,
You have forgotten your manners?
What shall we talk about?
Your wife, perhaps?
Won't you join me?
I am told I'm an attractive woman.
You are not paying much attention to me.
Very little has escaped my attention.
General Kohler did tell me one thing.
What he admires most about you
Is your reputation with the ladies.
I regret that is the opinion
of my commanding officer.

I have worked very hard
