You were to have been
10 kilometers west of
Ambleve by this hour.
Why are you still here?
My first attack failed.
I must take Ambleve.
We are wasting time.
Time, Hessler, you don't have much.
Ambleve is an isolated
pocket of resistance.
Go around it.
We have surrounded and
bypassed bastogne. Do the same!
General, it will be dark in one hour.
I want your permission for a
night assault with all my armor.
Colonel Hessler, you are to
break off this engagement
And proceed with your
mission. That's an order!
Yes sir.
General, before you go.
May I show you something?
What is it?
A chocolate cake.
It was taken from
a captured American private.
Still fresh.
If you look at the wrapping,
You will see it comes from boston.
General, do you realize what
this means?
It means that the Americans
have fuel and plans
To fly cake across the atlantic ocean.
They have no conception of defeat.
We have the opportunity here
To break their morale,
To destroy their will to fight.
That is why you must permit me
To reduce Ambleve to ashes.
You have...
Until 0400.
That is all.