You are not only a fool,
You are a traitor.
And you are a murderer.
You would murder my sons.
You would murder my country.
You would murder the whole world
To stay in that uniform.
Only the memory of you as a friend
Prevents me from having
you court-martialed.
Get out.
Our scouts have sighted
a brigade of medium tanks.
Light armor at this point?
Any artillery?
And no infantry.
They're committing their reserves.
We destroy them.
They have nothing between us
and the fuel depot.
Send all infantry to the rear.
Yes, sir.
Assign this man to fuel trucks.
Yes, sir.
Sir, enemy advancing on our position.
They've taken the bait.
We're going to test that information
We got from headquarters.
And if it's accurate,
We'll run them out of gas.
Tiger to all units.
Close hatches.