Campanadas a medianoche

- Lord...
- What else?

Let me not hear you speak of
Mortimer, or you shall hear in...

...such a kind from me as
will displease you.

- Hear me, my lord.
- Lord Northumberland...

...we license you depart with...
...your son.
Speak of Mortimer! Zounds I will
speak of him, and let my soul...

...want mercy if I join him not.
- Nephew, pray listen to me.

Did King Richard then proclaim
my brother Edmund Mortimer...

...heir to the crown?
- He did, myself did hear it.

Nay, then I can not blame his
cousin, that wish'd him starve.

Shall it, for shame, be spoken in
these days, or fill up chronicle...

:04:53 time to come, that men of
your nobility and power...

...did gage them both in an
unjust behalf?

God pardon it!
To put down Richard,
that sweet, lovely rose...

...and plant this thorn,
this canker, Bollingbroke.

- Say no more.
- By heavens, me thinks it were...

:05:11 easy leap to dive into the
bottom of the deep, where...

...fathom-line could never touch
the ground and pluck up...

...drown'd honour by the locks,
than to bear so vile a king!

Farewell, I'll talk to you when
you are better temper'd to attend.

Leave not! What can I do if
nettled and stung with pismires...

...I get, when I hear of
this vile polititian, Bollingbroke?

In Richard's time, what do ye
call the place, where I first...

...bow'd my knee unto this king
of smiles, this Bollingbroke?

When you and he came back
from Ravenspurg!

You say true.
What a candy deal of courtesy
this greyhoud then did proffer!

And, gentle Harry Percy,
my kind cousin.

- O, the devil take such cozeners.
- Say no more, let us be wise.
