Campanadas a medianoche

...that stuffed cloak-bag of guts,
that ox that reverend vice...

...that father ruffian,
that vanity in years?

Wherein is he good?
But to taste sack and drink it!

Wherein is he useful?
But to carve a capon and eat it.

Wherein cunning, but in craft?
Wherein crafty, but in villany?

Wherein villanous,
but in all things?

Wherein worthy, but in nothing?
Whom means Your Grace?
That villanous abominable
misleader of youth.

That old white beard Satan.
- My lord, the man I know.
- I know thou dost.

But to say I know more harm
in him than in myself, is a lie.

That he is old, his white
hairs do witness it.

But that he is, saving your
reverence, an old Satan...

...that, I utterly deny!
If sack and sugar be a fault,
God help the wicked!

If to be old and merry, be a sin,
then many I know is damned.

If to be fat, to be hated, many
a monk shalt be burnt.

No, my lord, banish Peto,
banish Bardolph...

...banish Poins,
but for sweet Falstaff...

...kind Jack Falstaff,
true Jack Falstaff...

And therefore more valiant
Jack Falstaff...

...being as he is old
Jack Falstaff...

...banish not him thy
Harry's company.

Banish plump Jack...
and banish all the world!

I do.
I will
- O, my lord, my lord!
- What's the matter?

The sheriff and all the watch
are come to search the house.

Out, you rogue! I have much to
say in the behalf of that Falstaff.
