Campanadas a medianoche

Go hide. Now, my masters, for a
true face and good conscience.

Both which I have had, but their
date is out, and so I hide me.

What is your will with me,
master sheriff?

First, pardon me, my lord. A hue
and cry hath followed men here.

What men?
One of them is well known
a gross fat man.

As fat as butter!
The man, I do assure you, is not
here, let me entreat you leave.

I will, my lord.
There are two gentlemen have
in this robbery lost 300 mark.

If he have robb'd these men,
he shall be answerable.

- Farewell.
- Good-night, my lord.

I'll to the court in the morning,
we must all to the wars.

Good-night, my noble lord.
I think it is good-morrow,
is it not?

Indeed, my lord.
We shall have to fight, ha?
Hostess, make ready breakfast.

You owe me money, Sir John!
- I lent thee some 23 pound.
- Go, you thing, go.

Say, what thing?
I am an honest man's wife and...
