Campanadas a medianoche

You raskal!
Untwine the Sisters Three!
Are you not hurt in
the groin?

Me thought he made a shrewd
thrust at your belly.

The raskal!
- You sweet little rogue.
- You huge raskal...!

Thou whoreson little

O love, how thou sweatest!
The raskal fled as if

Let me wipe thy face.
Come on, you chops...

O, rogue, i'faith I love thee.
- I shall have him killed!
- Make it an order if thou...

...lovest me, and I shall be
gratefull between my bedsheets.

- The music is come, sir.
- Let them play!

Let them play!
What wilt thou have? I shall
receive money on Monday.

Thou shalt have a
cap to-morrow.

Come, sing a merry song
and make me gay!

Thou wilt forget me when
I am gone.

Thou wilt set me a weeping
an thou sayest so.

Kiss me, Doll.
Is it not strange that desire
should so outlive performance?

Thou dost give flattering busses.
