...I could be sad.
Sad indeed.
Very hardly upon such a subject.
That think'st me as far in the
devil's book as thou and I?
An old lord at the Counsel, told
me off the other day...
...thruogh thee, but I listened
not to him. But he wast right.
- And on the street, too.
- Wisdom is shouting on the...
...streets, but nobody listens.
- Thou speak'st the truth...
...wisdom, as ignorance, get thee
as a disease would.
- Ned.
- Yes, my lord?
Let men feel untrustworthy
in thy company.
What wouldst thou think of me
if I should weep?
I would think thee a most
princely hypocrite.
I have forsworn his company
hourly, any time...
...this twenty-two year.
- They all believe me a hypocrit.
- Yet I'm bewitched with him.
If the raskal have not given me
medicines to make me love him...
...l'll be hanged.
- Thou shall understand it later.
It could not be else,
I have drunk medicines.
My lord!