From the court?
Sir John, I am thy Pistol,
thy friend.
And helter-skelter have
I rode to thee, with lucky joys...
...and golden times.
And happy news of price.
Pistol, what is thy news?
A foutra for the world and
worldlings, I speak of joys.
Thou art one of the
great persons of the kingdom!
Give me pardon, sir, if you come
with news from the court...
...I am under the king
in authority.
Under which king, bezonian.
Speak or die!
Under King Harry.
- Harry IV, or V?
- Harry the fourth.
A foutra for thy office!
Sir John, thy tender lambkin now
is king. Harry V is the man.
Is the old king...
- As nail in door.
Saddle my horse, the
young King would see me!
Master Shallow, choose what
office thou wilt, 'tis thine.
Pistol, I will double thy dignities
Good Silence, my lord Silence...
...I am a fortune's steward.
Come, Pistol, utter more to me...
...and withal, devise something
to do thyself good.
Let us take any horses, the laws
of England are at my command.
Happy are they which have
been my friends!
And woe unto my Chief-Justice!
God bless thy lungs, sir.
Waves are roaring, trumpets
are sounding!