She didn't introduce us.
I'm Catherine Ballou.
I'm drunk as a skunk.
I apologize for being
in this disgusting condition.
I assure you, l'll not inflict
myself on you further.
It's the first time in
my life l ever drank.
I took the pledge at
the big temperance meeting...
...in Gratzburg, Montana.
You remember that?
It was a great outpouring
of the spirit...
...and l'll not inflict myself
on you any further.
Thank you.
Spins a good yarn, does he, Tennyson?
He's a great poet!
May l?
" l stepped out of the
dark barroom...
...into the street, where the
sun beat down unmerciful...
...and Bent stood a-hollerin',
'Come on out, Kid Shelleen...
...l'm gonna blow you clear out of
Tombstone and into hell!"'
Tennyson is a good poet.
" Kid Shelleen and the Massacre
at Whiskey Slide."
Ma'am, l apologize for
my disgusting condition.
I assure you, l will not inflict
myself on you any further.
I wish l could do something.
You're very kind...
...but l got here
all the help he'll need.
That's very true.
There's good in the Bible
for these times.