This is my new bronco buster.
This is my daughter.
-Shalom Aleichem, Jackson Two-Bears.
-Why'd you say Shalom Aleichem?
I'm full Sioux lndian!
l'm not of the Chosen People.
Be stubborn if you want to.
-I ain't stubborn.
-Not much you ain't!
An ex-congressman of
these United States...
...said at the
Chautauqua this winter...
...lndians is the Lost Tribe.
-But he won't admit it.
-Just ain't true!
He was an ex-congressman
of these United States!
-Papa, maybe he was mistaken.
-Why no, he was not!
Jackson's just got a mean,
stubborn streak in him, is all.
I brought Mr. Bernstein, the telegraph
operator, out here last month.
And he stood right here...
...and spoke Hebrew at
Jackson for 1 0 minutes.
And Jackson pretended he
didn't understand a word.
Now l call that stubborn!
I didn't understand a word!
You see what l mean?
Now you get that trunk out.
I'll get the satchel.
Jackson, what's happening?
Your old man's got
some roughshod ways.
He's rubbed people the wrong way.
He's a sweet old bear who's harmless!
Don't you think l know?
Nobody in this county
would give me a job.
As if l was responsible for
what happened to General Custer.
I swear, l was a little baby
at the time!
But your daddy...
...he gave me a job right off.
Full wages too.
I guess l respect and admire
him more than anybody.
Then why? This used
to be the best spread.
A big outfit's moving in...
...building factories...
...to make a real city of Wolf City.
They want your daddy's water rights.
He won't sell them.
I'll build us lunch
once the trunk's inside.
I'm gonna do the cooking
now that l'm home.
I'm gonna take care of you.