Frankie Ballou?
Beat it, you.
I didn't mean to scream,
but he came outta nowhere!
And that nose!
Who is he, papa?
Give me a hand!
-Papa, who is he?
-Tim Strawn, l'll bet you.
You don't know nothing when l say
Shalom, but now you're a know-it-all!
Jackson, who is he?
He's a hired killer.
His nose was bit off in a fight.
If l was gonna be scared, l'd be
scared of the one who bit it off!
I can take care of myself.
Don't let it bother you.
-It don't bother me.
-You've gotta do something.
What we're gonna do
is go on living!
We're going to eat,
sleep and work...
...and tomorrow we're going to
go celebrate the Fall Harvest Day.
Take care of the horses, Jackson.
Now, there's a game for a sheriff.
Liar's poker!
Our unemployed are off the streets,
and the town's safe, all in one stroke.