You got the bottle you carry
to make the sheriff mad?
Give him some.
You're an lndian, ain't you?
It's all right. I got
nothing against lndians.
They was a breed
of men in the Old West!
But it's over for them,
like it is for the gunfighter.
Except we didn't get no reservation
or get taught how to weave rugs.
See you later, son.
It's all over in Dodge.
Tombstone too.
Cheyenne, Deadwood, all gone.
All dead and gone.
Last time l come through Tombstone...
...big excitement there was the roller
rink they laid out over the OK Corral.
I used to work the Buffalo Bill Show
and the Conaress of Rouah Riders.
I've rescued stagecoach riders from
road agents and drunk lndians...
...in the nick of time.
Twice a day.
Three times on Saturday.