Cat Ballou

Well, waste not want not.
Where's that jug of yours?

Strawn. You sure?
Silver nose and all.
Let Shelleen do it.
Let Shelleen do it.
Shelleen's in no condition--
He sure isn't.
Look, l'm counting on
all three of you.

Papa's gonna take chances,
and l can't let him.

-You gotta stick with him.
-Yes, ma'am.

No matter where he goes!
All right, you unemployables,
let's get the work done.

For the love of Mike!
A drunk in the bunkhouse,
and a circus following me!

Don't let him out of your sight.
Does Shelleen have tobacco?
-He'd set fire to the barn.
-He's sleeping it off.

Do you mind?
What do you boys think you're doing?
Cat said stick with you,
and stick it is!

She's crazy, l tell you!
Always has been.
She sees things.

Her mother was like that.
In the middle of the night,
she seen moon men...

...creeping down the walls.
Get away!
I could trip on you and get
trampled in the crowd.

Why was l cursed in my old age...
...with a nutty daughter
and slack-twisted idiots?

Who's here to threaten me?
You see anyone over there?

Or there?
Or over that way?
You see anybody anywhere?
Now stand back and let me breathe!
