Hey, let me outta here!
He's alive!
We gotta let him out!
What happened?
Put up your hands!
Keep them up!
Let me in!
-Who's in charge?
-I am.
What's the delay?
It's a train robbery.
Get along with it.
I'm trying to take my bath.
Here's the safe.
Okay, you, open up!
Come on now! Open it!
-I got a gun.
-You'll just have to use it.
-What are we gonna do?
-I told you this could happen.
What's wrong?
He won't open the safe.
That right, mister?
7 left, 26 right, 1 4 left.
This is more than the
$2000 you said.
Nearer 40 or 50,000, l'd say.
We take this, they'll
booger us forever!
Who's afraid of a little booger?