
They know, sometimes.
Well, then?
- But they don't know how interested.
- No, I suppose not.

- That's not so easy to tell, I suppose.
- One hopes not.

I wish you'd open up.
I can't do that.
- Sorry.
- What for?

I seem to be leaving
most of your tires on the road.

Enjoy yourself, with the compliments
of the Glass organization.

- Don't you possess anything of your own?
- Only the things I can't replace.

Of course I told Robert about Miles.
It didn't mean anything, after all.

I was always absolutely honest with Robert.
I just had to be.

And heavens, there's nothing wrong with
somebody helping you with your career.

Miles was just madly helpful.
He knew absolutely everyone.

He was just so madly helpful, that's all.
We just wanted to have a look at you.
Yes. We just want to take a look at you.
Have a look.
Would you look toward the street?
That's right. Now the door.
That's right. Now I want you to look at me...
but keep your neck the same angle.
