
Tony Bridges?
Too young.
- Rupert's the right age.
- And steady.

Bridges was steady.
Yes, but he was too young.
Rupert's the right age.
- Do you think he...
- I think he did.

- Do you think she did?
- I think she did.

Alec, you've got your elbow somehow...
I wasn't aware. Sorry, dear.
What I shall never understand...
is how you and she...
Same parents, same background...

Yes, I know. She's odd.
This chap of hers in London...
- is that all finished now?
- Yes, no question of that at all.

Completely finished.
I'm back.
- Like that?
- I had to.

It was so boring, I could've screamed.
- You came in the train dressed like that?
- No one noticed.

What a funny girl.
One day I'm gonna have to
bail you out of a clink...

for indecent exposure.
- Would you?
- Of course I would.
