
We went to a fabulous wedding, I remember.
Chloe Campbell, the film actress,
had remarried Toto Damiano.

You know, the American manganese heir.
And afterwards, we went on
to the most extraordinary place with them.

There were astonishing people.
Terribly sophisticated
and sort of emotionally inquisitive...

which is a marvelous thing, really.
- Are you English?
- Yes.

She's beautiful. She lives in England?
- Yes.
- Yes?

- And how are you?
- Okay.

One of yours?
I thought I recognized the rivets.
You're improving.

Miles, I love you. You're such a...
Billie, if I didn't know you were a man,
I'd be very shocked.

Diana, darling,
I want you to meet Billie Castiglione.

He's one of the best sculptresses in Paris.
He's dying to do your bust.

I'm going to kill that man, I am.
You've got a beautiful head.
Wonderful bones.

- Truly.
- Thank you.

It's very hot in here.
