Pasha Antipov, you're an awful prig.
Why did you tell him I was your brother?
Well, what else could I have told him?
You could have told him I was your fiance.
Pasha, don't be silly. I'm--
Monsieur Komarovsky has come to see
my mother on business.
People gossip around here.
It's the system, Lara.
People will be different
after the Revolution.
Will you come?
No, Pasha.
I've got exams to take, Pasha.
I've got to get my scholarship.
Hello, Auntie.
There's a letter for you.
From Paris.
Lovely writing.
She's coming home next month.
Tonya? Oh, that's good!
He does seem to be very well informed.
And such a handsome figure of--
Good evening, Mama. Madame.
You can work in there, dear.
Monsieur Komarovsky's here.