...and the Party was rlght.
One man desperate for a blt of fuel
Is pathetlc.
Flve mllllon people desperate for fuel
wlll destroy a clty.
That was the flrst tlme
I ever saw my brother.
But, I knew hlm,
and I knew that I would dlsobey the Party.
Perhaps It was the tle ofblood
between us, but I doubt It.
We were only half-tled, anyway,
and brothers wlll betray a brother.
Indeed, as a pollceman, I would say
"Get hold of a man's brother...
"...and you're half way home. "
Nor was It admlratlon
for a better man than me.
I dld admlre hlm, but I dldn't thlnk
he was a better man.
Besldes, I've executed better men than me
wlth a small plstol.
Now you'll have to live
like the rest of us, Doctor.
Bring that! Bring that back!
Oh, listen to His Excellency!
I want no anarchy!
I want this carried out correctly.
What are you doing?
Re-allocation of living space,
Comrade Doctor.
Fifty square meters
for a family of less than five persons.
Dammit, whose house is this, anyway?
Father, be quiet!
All right, 50 square meters.
What're you doing with my things?
They're being stored.
They're being stolen.
Just a minute!