Doctor Zhivago

Do you think it's "personal,
petit-bourgeois and self indulgent"?

I lled.
But he belleved me.
And It struck me through to see
that my oplnlon mattered.

The glrl knew what It meant,
what It was golng to mean.

They couldn't survlve
what was comlng In the clty.

I urged them to leave and llve obscurely
somewhere In the country...

...where they could keep themselves allve.
We have, used to have,
an estate at Varykino, near Yuriatin.

The people know us there.
He dldn't reslst.
I offered to obtaln permlts,
passes, warrants...

...told them what to take
and what to leave behInd.

I had the Impertlnence to ask hlm
for a volume of hls poems.

And so we parted.
I thlnk I even told hlm
that we would meet agaln In better tlmes.

But perhaps I dldn't.
