I shouldn't admire it now.
I should find it absurdly personal.
Don't you agree?
Feelings, insights, affections.
It's suddenly trivial, now.
You don't agree. You're wrong.
The personal life is dead in Russia.
History has killed it.
I can see how you might hate me.
I hate everything you say,
but not enough to kill you for it.
You have a brother?
Yevgraf. Yes. The policeman.
I didn't know that.
Perhaps not. A "secret" policeman.
Did he send you here?
No, Yevgraf's a Bolshevik.
I don't know anything about these things.
Oh, you know a great deal.
When you came in you recognized me.
Has someone shown you photographs?
I am certain that you recognized me.
I've seen you before, Commander.
Six years ago.
Go on.
Christmas Eve. You--
You were there?
Or, has someone told you this?
I attended to the man
who was injured by your wife.
Why do you call her my wife?
I met her again.
We served together on the Ukranian Front.
If she's with you,
I'm sure she'd vouch for me.
I haven't seen her since the war.
She's in Yuriatin.
The private life is dead,
for a man with any manhood.
We saw a sample of your manhood
on the way, a place called Mink.
They were selling horses to the Whites.
It seems you burned the wrong village.