All locked up, you see.
A body, styling itself.
The Yuriatin Committee
of Revolutionary Justice...
...has expropriated my house
in the name of the people.
Very well.
I'm one of the people, too!
Don't, Your Honor!
They'd call it counterrevolution.
- Get out of my way!
- Father, don't!
Petya brought us here.
That makes him
a counterrevolutionary, too.
They shoot counterrevolutionaries.
It's not the Reds in the town,
it's the Reds in the forest.
- Partisans.
- Here?
Who knows? They go where they want,
and they do what they want.
All we need is a roof, Petya.
And a bit of garden. Is there nowhere?
They didn't lock the cottage.
Oh, yes, we can manage here.
Oh, the stove works.
I'll find you a few sticks of furniture.
And some seed potatoes?