Look at us!
The last stronghold of gracious living
in a world gone mad.
By the way, my name is Charles, Mr. Ford's man.
I flatter myself
that Im also his confidant and friend.
Like everybody else in New York...
...Mr. Ford has a tiny bit
of construction going on next door.
Actually, it's not so bad, really.
We've almost come to like
the little cries of the workmen...
...and the gloppitta-gloppitta noises
which emanate from the machine.
Over there.
In any case, the interior of the house...
...is soundproof, and so life goes on.
This is Mr. Ford's living room.
Notice, if you will, the complete absence
of the so-called ''woman's touch.''
No gay little chintzes, no big gunky lamps.
In fact, everything is masculine and perfect.
In fact, the sort of place you could've had.
lf only you'd had the sense not to get married.