At any rate, I followed you back
to your dressing room...
...and, on some insane impulse,
I asked you to marry me.
I was intoxicated, that's quite obvious.
Apparently, you accepted...
...at which point, we went back
to the dining room to announce our betrothal.
Which was greeted with some enthusiasm
by my friends.
Right away, the mayor gets on the phone.
He wakes up the license clerk,
and waives the blood tests....
Before I knew it, there's Judge Blackstone...
...two guys holdin' him up,
''now pronouncing you man and wife.''
Anyway, that's where things stand,
my dear, at the moment.
As I say, it's nothing
that can't be rectified, quite simply.
You'll get a handsome settlement.
I happen to be very well off.
Six weeks in Las Vegas.
All there is to it.
By God, you're Italian!
Vous ne parlez.... You don't....
No speak the English?
Oh, my God. Excuse me, Ill be right back.
You get dressed.
Me go talk butler.